WordPress web deisgn and custom development service

From today on you can count on us for all your needs related to your online presence. Before making Salon Booking System plugin we were, and we still are, a web agency with more than ten years of experience in this market.

Salon Booking System plug-in gave us the great opportunity to work every day on thousand of WordPress websites and to understand which are the main needs and concerns of a small/medium business owners about their websites and their digital presence.

From now on you can count on us to solve many aspects of your WordPress website maintenance, we’ll be ready to help you out and keep your website at its best.



Server configuration and WordPress maintenance

WordPress, php and plug-ins are all elements that need to be kept regularly updated to ensure your website in a healthy and secure way. Sometimes the update process could generate possible issues. We can help you out with this kind of tasks.



Website speed optimisation

A good website is a fast loading pages website. Your users will leave your website after the first five seconds of waiting if the page will not be totally loaded. The performance of your website does really matter if you want to benefit from your online presence.

We have the right skills and tools to fix your website slow performances.

SEO optimisation

If I’m not able to find you, I’ll likely never buy from you. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is a key factor for every business owner that want to leverage from its online presence.

We can help you with your website indexing on major search engine, for the keywords your prospects will most likely use to find your service on Google.



WordPress web design

Setting up a website it’s not so complicated task today even for non professionals. The point is if every website is really contributing to your business growth in terms of brand awareness, prospects generation, new reservations for your services etc. etc.

We are web designers that know very well which are the real needs of a small business owner that sell services upon reservations and we know how his website should work to really create values for his business.

If your main goal is not just saving money on your new website then drop us an email, we’ll help you understand that having a well designed and well performing website it’s not just a cost but an asset to generate real value.

Custom development

Are you looking for a custom plug-in to perform specific tasks on your website? Well, you are in the right place, our team of developers will be happy to help you out with simple or complex tasks.


Are you a web agency or a webmaster? Let’s partner with us.


Submit your project for a cost/timing estimate

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    Describe your custom feature:

    What is your budget?*

    Project timing*

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