salon booking 3.12

Finally we are ready for a new release of Salon Booking that is celebrating 2.000 active users on

On 3.12 version we’ve worked on the redesign of the back-end calendar daily view.

Now you can search through the reservation using a “customer” field or you can filter out the reservations by “services”.

You can also group reservations by assistant in order to see the reservations for each of your assistant.

We’ve also implemented a pagination system to is automatically enabled when you collect more than 12 reservations on a single time slot.




In the next release we’ll give you the possibility to add reservations straight from the calendar daily view in a very easy way.



We’ve fixed a bunch of bugs here the list:

* Fixed bug on booking system
* Fixed back-end calendar daily view hours representation
* Fixed assistants and services booking rules time intervals
* Improved back-end calendar daily view
* If total import is 0 no payment pending email notification
* Services disappeared after updates bug fixed
* SSL check
* SMS and Email reminders sent out even to “Pending” reservations

As usual if you notice some issues please get back to us.


Have a nice week.

Salon Booking

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