Salon Booking 3.11 is going to arrive


here we go again with a new version, Salon Booking 3.11,  that will be available for download on next Monday.

We want share with you what we have done this time.

Let’s start from the main new feature:




salon booking 3.11


We’ve developed a complete importing system that will allow you to migrate your customers, services and assistant from whatever booking platform to Salon Booking plugin.

You just need a CSV (comma separated file) for each element.

Our importing system will guide you with an easy interface to match your CSV file with our database scheme.

You can find this feature inside “Tools” section.

Note. The importing system is in still in beta version.




salon booking 3.11


Many of you have asked us to develop this feature and we done!
Now you can create a link that point to a specific service inside the booking form in order to book that services straightforward.

Note: This feature works only with “Change order” option enabled.


We’ve made some changes on the “service break” option.

Now you can choose up three hours break divided in multiple of your selected “session average session”.

What does it mean? Let say you have set 30 minutes as your “session average duration” option. And you have a service that last 1 hour and need a break.

Now you can choose among these break intervals:

– 30 minutes
– 1  hour
– 1.30 hour
– 2 hours
– 2.30 hours
– 3 hours


We’ve also fixed some important bugs, please have a look at them:

* Fixed status bar back-end calendar daily view
* “Create new user” option now is disabled by default
* Bug on services custom order on back-end fixed
* Bug on assistant selection on front-end fixed
* Bug on booking system – reservations that overrides closing time – fixed
* Fixed bug on thousand separator on Stripe
* Changed the “Services break” intervals options
* Added an alert on parallel reservations on back-end
* Removed rollback to 2.3
* Added untranslatable text strings

Well, that’s it for the moment! See you on the next release.



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Have a nice day!

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